Protectors of the Ridge! Our functions range from performing free home inspections of your smoke detectors to Emergency Medical and Fire/Rescue Emergencies. We are volunteers, and we need your support,...
Learn more about joining the Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, and how you can help your community! We look forward to hearing from you! This is to certify that the...
Protectors of the Ridge! Our functions range from performing free home inspections of your smoke detectors to Emergency Medical and Fire/Rescue Emergencies. We are volunteers, and we need your support, so please take a moment and learn about how you can help your community and save lives!
We would like to thank you for all of your support in 2024 and your continued support in 2025.
Will be at the fire station at 13527 Motters Station Road. From 11am until we are sold out. Pit Beef, Pit Ham and we now added Pit Turkey!!!!! Combo includes: Sandwich, Fries, Coleslaw & Applesauce for only $13.00 We will have Water, Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite available for $1.00… Read more: DRIVE THRU PIT SALE MAY 17, 2025